Welcome to the ultimate Kahoot Bot Dashboard! Our powerful, user-friendly interface gives you full control over your Kahoot bots with features designed to enhance performance, flexibility, and ease of use. Below, you'll find an overview of the dashboard's features and a guide on how to use them effectively.
First, lets learn about the various different features that our dashboard offers.
Unlike other Kahoot Bots, our bot allows you to decide whether your bots should automatically choose random answers, or be granted the ability to choose the answer that you desire. This feature is important as it allows you to tailor your bot to your liking.
It is incredibly easy to get distracted while using our bot and paying attention to your class. That is why we push live game updates to your bot dashboard, making it easy for you to stay updated on the game with minimal attention.
It is important to have complete control over not only joining your bot, but also having the ability to disconnect it. That is why we allow you to disconnect your bots at anytime to remain undetected and focus on class.
Our bot tracker does exactly what it says: keeps track of bots. Your bot dashboard knows exactly which game your bots are sent to, and how many are currently playing for you.
Now that you've learned the key features of our dashboard, let's use them to your advantage!
Before utilizing the Bot Dashboard, you must send bots by filling in the game pin, bot name, and hitting "Send Bots".
Once the bots have been sent, you will be shown your very own Bot Dashboard!
Shown at the top of your Kahoot Bot Dashboard is the amount of bots connected to your game, as well as the game pin. The connected number of bots will update live, as bots are kicked, disconnected, or join!
Selecting your answer style can be done at any time. By default, your Kahoot Bots will answer randomly. However, you may change this by selecting "Choose your own" in the dropdown.
Please be aware, that if you do not select an answer in time, or lose connection to our Kahoot Bot Dashboard, we will still ensure questions are answered, by picking a random answer for you.
Located at the bottom of your dashboard, the game log can be a very powerful tool. Important information will be sent to the top of your game log, such as when a new question is available to be answered, or when a question has been randomly answered. It will also tell you not only when the quiz starts, but ends, and if your bots have been disconnected or kicked for any reason.
Fill out all fields to use our FREE kahoot bot now.